Friday, July 25, 2008

All About the New Baby

Paige is almost one-month old already. I thought I would share with you some of her characteristics so far. She is very active. Unless we wrap her up like a burrito, she will always kick off the blanket that is on her. She can't be by herself for very long; she likes to be held quite a bit. But, no one really minds, because she is so cute. Her days and nights are becoming more normal. At the very first, she would sleep all day and stay up all night. Now, she will sleep during most of the night, and I have to get up to feed her once or twice. I'm starting to put her in a routine, and I am figuring out as I go how long she should stay awake and how long her naps should be. Nothing to really worry about, though. Once I figure it out, it is going to change anyway. :) Nursing Paige is going really well, which I am happy about. I had trouble breastfeeding Micah, so it's nice to be able to do this for her. I really enjoy being a mother of two. I enjoy watching them develop, and I even enjoy the challenges (after they happen). :)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Photo Series - Rexburg Protest

I love BYU-Idaho and Rexburg, but there are times that I get so frustrated with the way things are here. So for a photo series I have been working on I have made this protest.

The pictures are typical things you would see when you are in Rexburg. The two models represent the protest for me. The guy is showing frustration but is dressed really nice. It represents students frustration of school, finals, and being the perfect little mormon. His nice dress is showing the high dress standards of this school but he is wearing a black shirt showing he still has his own thought process (most everyone here has white shirts). The girl represents all the pressure the girls have up here to be perfect, pretty and ready to have babies. She is dressed up nice and posing like a fashion model. I have seen to many people forget who they are by trying to be someone they are not. That is why she is wearing a mask. Anyway I had a lot of fun doing it. I hope you like it.


Paige no cry

Micah does not mess around when it comes to his big brother responsibilities. Like all good big brothers when it comes time to boss your little siblings around he stepped up to the plate. Paige does not cry very often (its a blessing) but when she does its because she is hungry or messy. So when Paige starts crying now Micah tells her "No cry". He tells her this because when he is crying I tell him not to cry.

Also when Paige is crying Jen will tell her she is coming. So Micah being the mamas boy he is, he will follow up with a "Paige coming... coming..." Its pretty funny to be honest. I think he will be a great big brother, because I am speaking from experience. I still terrorize my siblings.

Something else my son has started doing is tapping his lips and saying umm umm while he thinks. It is really funny. Jen will ask him what book he wants to read and he will stop, think, and tap then pick his book. I think he does it now because of the reaction he gets from Jen and I. Or maybe he really might be thinking about. I'm not sure where he picked this one up but it sure is funny! Oh the joys of parenthood.

On a side note I am so close to graduation I can taste it. Thursday had to be one of the hardest days of my life but somehow survived. I had two major group presentations and a couple of big photo projects all due on Friday. I went to school at 7am and I got home at 10pm. Some how I got everything done with only a few ulcers and migraines. I still have a hard week ahead of me but I feel like I can make it after what I did on Thursday. 6 days left!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sí, se puede (Yes it can be done)

Soooo 9 more days until I graduate! I am so excited but I can not believe its coming. These next days are going to be the death of me. If I can make it, I think I will be able to do anything. I am just excited because we are down to the single digits.

Here is a little history of why I am so excited to be done with school here at BYU-Idaho. I started school here the Summer of 2000. That is right. 8 years ago. I know what you are thinking. A lot of people go to school for 8 years... Yeah they are called doctors and lawers. But oh no. I am getting my Bachelors in Communication. Technicaly I have not been here for that long because I took 2 years off for my mission to Long Beach. Then I took a year and four months off to get married. So 5 1/2 years isn't to bad but it feels like 8 years. BUT still, I am 26 in school.

I am the old man with two kids on campus. My sister who is 7 years younger than I am is going to be a sophmore at the end of this semester! I have had a teacher here who I am older than. I was on his board when he did New Student Orientation here at school. Now he teaches!

Anyway.... I am just ready to be done and start working!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Rexburg is not known for its electrical storms. They just do not happen very often. When it does they are not very exciting. Well tonight I was working on some homework and Jen's phone started ringing. She was taking my Sister home. It was our friends the Greers. Rebecca had some questions and then she told me to go look outside because there is a lot of lighting right now.

I ran outside and sure enough we had lighting and a lot of it. So I ran into my room and got my camera stuff ran outside and started photographing. Here is my fav of the night. I got about 4-5 others that I really like. I will get around to posting them later.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

More fun with pictures

I really enjoyed taking pictures of my experiences and posting them. It felt more journalistic for me. So I might not be posting every day but I do want to document more of my life via photos. I will then post and write about them.

Here is how I found Micah in the morning yesterday. he was stuck but wanted to make the best of it and play. He is a monster but it makes for a fun time!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day #6 Diaper Rash

Brian thought I would of sent him a picture of a dirty diaper but I thought I would post a picture of me buying diapers. It can be a huge task for a guy. I took the photo so it looks like the shelf is falling on me. I had to be quick about taking it because I know they do not like people taking pictures in the store. So it was an adventure of buying the right kind of diapers for both of my kids and not getting caught! Who ever thought being a dad and photographer is boring needs to think again!