Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Unexpected And Exciting Changes

My husband decided awhile ago to become a healthier man. Last December, he became excited about running and told everyone about his plans to work out and lose 100 lbs. by the end of the next year. He started a Couch to 5K program the first week of this month. The program trains an aspiring runner from the couch to running a 5K in 9 weeks. On the days he doesn't run, he still goes to the gym to do some weight training. He even spoke with a nutritionist about an appropriate diet for him. To be more accountable, Chris made a blog describing his weight-loss journey. There are many people watching his progress and cheering him on.

Both Chris and I have needed to adjust our lives in order for him to stay on track. Now, we both get up at 5:00 a.m. That time of day is not the most desirable time for me (or him) to wake up. We motivate each other to do so. For the first week, Chris went running in our neighborhood while I did some exercises in the house. When he got back, we would stretch together. Since the weather has become colder since then, he has been going to the gym, and I still stay at home to work out. It feels great to get my work-outs done in the morning. I used to do them at night, but now I have more opportunity to relax and do the things I'd rather do instead.

Chris' new diet has helped us analyze what changes we need to make to eat healthier as a family. Good-for-you meals and smaller portions are key, but Chris has even told me how he hopes this new meal plan will help us teach the kids proper eating habits. I have also discovered a huge weakness of mine: sweets. I need to discipline myself and eat cookies and cakes as a "sometimes" food. "Instead of desserts, let's encourage more fruits for after-meal treats," Chris has said. I'm really excited about how this lifestyle change will positively influence the children. They will see their dad and mom work hard to stay healthy.

This experience has also helped Chris see how some of his former habits were having a negative effect on the family. He has decided to stop playing World of Warcraft, seeing how it took up too much of his time and how obsessed he became of it. Now, he spends more time with us, and I am loving it!

His decision to change his life has helped me change mine...for the better. The experience so far has taught me that there is always room for improvement. I'm developing habits I didn't know I needed. My husband has such strength and courage to change his life. I love him very much.


Brianne said...

That is awesome. We have been trying to make changes ourselves. We got a treadmill-but it has yet to be used much. I think I am struggling the most with finding food to cook. What an inspiration you are!

LittleBrownFamily said...
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LittleBrownFamily said...

I can relate to this post. Jeff and I are both trying to change our lifestyle to be more healthy. I need to find a good motivator for Jeff, though. He wants to lose 50 lbs, but he (subconsiously, perhaps) feels it's impossible for him. It's genetics...everyone on his mother's side "porked out" once they hit puberty, and so Jeff feels justified in being a big guy. We really should do as you're doing - get up early to exersize before the children wake up...but do I have the strength? I don't know. I sure like to sleep as long as I reasonably can.
We've made many positive changes over the last year, though, and I lost 25 lbs. I hope to lose another 15 and keep it off until baby number 4 decides to head our way.

Kudos to you and Chris, and good luck with meeting your goals!

Danielle said...

That is awesome Jen! What an inspiration you an your family are to me! I really need to the same with eating healthier and exercising! Also, I wish my husband would stop playing really is not in our budget and it does take up a lot of his time!